Welcome to our Parish incorporating St Paul's , St Mary's & Chapel Royal
Welcome to our Parish incorporating St Paul's , St Mary's & Chapel Royal
Parish of St. Mary Magdalene
Pastoral Council 26th June 2024 7pm
St. Paul’s House
Present, Jacqueline Crawford, Liz Gronkowski, Jane Miezitis, Fr. Philip,
Apologies: Craig Doidge, Sally McElroy, Tony Ward
Reflection: John 21:15-19
1. Update of next quarterly calendar and booklet
The booklet for the quarter July -September will be collated and distributed
by the weekend of 6th/7th July.
2. Progress on parish priorities
a) Building Our Faith Community
The Monday Community Group is doing well and is now taking a summer
break until September.
b) Social Events
The Coffee Morning , Italian Night and Fashion Show all went very well.
It is still hoped to organise an event with the Polish or Indian communities
for the autumn.
c) Supporting our children
The Summer School is organised and will take place week beginning
12th August.
Support for the youth is one of the areas to be prioritised for the year
following on from the Parish Gathering. Parishioners with skills and
experience in this area will be asked for their support.
d) Adult Faith Formation
Series three of “The Chosen” will begin on Wednesday 2nd October.
The format will be more structured with specific questions.
3. Forthcoming General Election
Churches Together felt they were not in a position at the moment to
organise a Hustings for the forthcoming General Election. There
doesn’t seem to be a hustings for this constituency and hopefully
something can be organised next time.
4. The Synodal process
The feedback form the Parish Gathering was very positive and
parishioners liked using the format of Conversations in the Spirit.
As requested, a copy of the PowerPoint which was used will be made
available to parishioners online and on the parish Facebook page.
The three key areas which were highlighted for the year are:
o House groups
o Prayer groups
o The youth
Parishioners will be given the opportunity to support these priorities
where they have the skills and experience.
5. Palliative Care
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has produced a four-part
toolkit on palliative care called “Horizons of Hope.” It was agreed to run
this programme for the parish on the four Wednesday evenings of August.
6. Preparation for the Holy Year 2025
Enquiries are still being made regarding a parish pilgrimage to Rome next
Autumn. Parishioners will be asked to indicate if they are interested.
7. Future dates
Mass celebrating the Feast of St. Mar Magdalene will be held on
Monday 22nd July in St. Mary’s followed by refreshments in Romero
A film entitled “The Letter” based on “Laudato Sii” will be shown on the
evening of Wednesday 4th September.
8. Safeguarding
9. A.O.B.
It was agreed that it would be beneficial if the Fabric/Finance Committee
gave a short report to the Pastoral Council meetings.
10. Date of next meeting Wednesday 18th September St. Paul’s 7pm
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